Hi, I'm Natalia
I’m an artist, based in Italy with over 15 years experience in marketing & sales, and the creator of multiple online workshops for visual artists that get them seen, loved, and selling!
When I first approached Instagram as an artist, I believed that actual sales were completely out of my control. I thought that if I kept showing my work, maybe—just maybe—someone would decide to buy it. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
I had no idea how to influence that decision-making process, and every time I posted something, I felt unsure of what actions would lead to sales.
Everything changed, when I realised that my buyers most resonated with my art when I told stories about it. When I shared my inspiration.
That led me to the understanding that to stand out on social media as an artist, and to get more buyers, I needed to make my story a part of my marketing.
I began to understand how to turn followers into buyers and what type of content actually sparked interest and generated sales.
I want to help you experience that same transformation.